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Your Healthy, Beautiful Smile Is Our Priority

At Northgate Dental, we believe that education is the key to a productive and successful patient/dental office relationship. Our professional team is readily available to assist you with any questions or concerns. Listed below, for your reference, are documents to help our patients in their everyday dental care, as well as a list of commonly asked questions:

Q: Are you accepting new patients?

A: Yes, Northgate Dental continues to grow and accept new patients. Walk-ins and emergencies are also welcome. Call us to schedule your appointment.

Q: Are bleeding gums a sign of a problem?

A: Bleeding after brushing or flossing can be unsettling. It can also be a sign of an otherwise mostly silent disease — periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a leading cause of tooth loss. It is a build-up of bacteria from plaque and tartar that can inflame or infect gum and bone.

Periodontal disease causes deep pockets to form in tissue between the gums and teeth. This sometimes gives the appearance of puffy or receding gums. During dental exams, we routinely examine your gums. There are a number of treatments for bleeding gums and periodontal disease, including removing plaque and tartar below the gum line. These treatments, performed in a dental office, are called scaling and root planing. They allow the gum to heal and become healthy again. We recommend daily brushing and flossing as well as regular checkups and cleanings to help prevent periodontal disease.

Q: Fillings: silver or white… what’s the difference?

A: Many of us who grew up before the time of fluoridated water have a mouth full of silver fillings. These fillings known as amalgams, have proven to be extremely durable restorations, but they are not very pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, recent advances in dental materials have made it possible to use tooth coloured filling materials. These materials can be virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth and are used to achieve long lasting and attractive restorations. In our practice, we use tooth coloured materials for almost all of the fillings that we place. We even use these materials to replace old amalgam fillings that have started to deteriorate or that simply detract from the appearance of our patient’s smiles.

Q: Can I replace an old crown that looks unnatural?

A: Many of our patients have asked us about replacing very old crowns that have deteriorated or crowns that do not blend well with their natural teeth. We will ensure that the shade is matched and the crown is shaped precisely for a very natural, indistinguishable appearance that is also functional.

Q: What can dental bonding do for my teeth?

A: Dental bonding is a simple, painless and affordable procedure that has many uses, including:
  • repairing chipped or cracked teeth
  • closing spaces between teeth
  • reshaping teeth
  • covering badly stained teeth
Bonding involves the application of a tooth-coloured resin. The dentist prepares the tooth for bonding by placing a mild chemical on it to roughen the surface. Using a shade guide, the dentist selects a shade that closely matches your tooth and then mixes and tints the resin. The resin is applied in thin layers and then hardened with an ultraviolet light or laser. The dentist then shapes and polishes the resin to smooth it and give it a natural look.

The procedure usually takes about 30-60 minutes to complete. You can even get several teeth bonded in one visit. No special techniques are needed to care for bonded teeth - just good oral hygiene.

Q: What’s today’s potential of cosmetic dentistry?

A: You may have heard a lot about cosmetic dentistry, and for good reason. Cosmetic dentistry holds the promise of a brighter, more attractive smile.

Restoring the beauty of your smile through cosmetic treatments can do wonders for your sense of confidence. We offer a wide range of treatments that can improve the colour of your teeth, repair chips and cracks, and cover dark stains. We can also help with crowded and crooked teeth.

If you have any questions about the appearance of your smile and the possibilities offered by cosmetic dentistry, speak to us today.

Q: What should I do if a tooth is knocked out?

A: Having a tooth knocked out is one of the most serious dental emergencies. It can be caused by accidental falls, sports-related trauma, fighting, car accidents and even by biting on hard food. However, the damage can be fixed. If you act quickly, there's a good chance the tooth can be saved.

Immediately contact and get to a dentist right away when a tooth is broken or knocked out. If your dentist can put the tooth back in place within an hour, there's a good chance that the supporting tissues will reattach and hold the tooth in place.

If you can find the tooth after the accident or injury, bring it with you when you seek medical help. Pick the tooth up by the crown - this is the part of the tooth that you see in the mouth – and avoid touching the root end. Do not wrap the tooth in tissue or gauze or scrub the tooth. This will damage the delicate cells on the root needed to attach the tooth back to the gum. Place the tooth in a cup of milk (or water, if milk is not available) to keep it moist. Remember: get to a dentist as quickly as possible. The chances of saving the knocked out tooth are much greater if the dentist is seen within an hour.

Q: How is my “oral health” linked to my 'overall health'?

A: You’ve heard about the mind-body connection, but not many are aware of the mouth-body connection. The latest research shows many connections between your oral health and your overall health. A visit to the dentist isn’t just about teeth anymore. It makes perfect sense, though. What goes on in your mouth affects the rest of your body, and what goes on in your body can affect your mouth, as well. The two are deeply interconnected.

For example, many prescription drugs and medical therapies can cause problems like dry mouth. Dry mouth can contribute to more dental decay, and it can also affect taste. It works in reverse, too—an infection in the mouth can increase your risk of certain systemic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream through the gums, increasing the risk of heart disease. Gum disease has also been shown to disrupt blood sugar levels, making diabetes harder to control.

While examining your mouth, the dentist may notice a sign of a problem that you were not aware you had. Gum disease and oral cancer have very subtle, often painless symptoms that often go unnoticed by patients. When these problems are caught in their earliest stages, your chances of recovery are far greater. Maintaining optimal oral health may be the first step toward a healthier life overall.

Q: Is it important to have an Oral Infection treated?

A: Sometimes the body’s immune system will fight and heal infections on its own, but often it needs some help. When it comes to oral infections such as tooth and gum infections, only your dentist can make that call. This is why it is so important to have infections and abscesses examined by a dentist.

Oral infections are a serious health matter. Symptoms include tooth, gum, and jaw pain, lumps or pus-filled abscesses, and weeping or bleeding gums. Left untreated, they can affect your overall health.

Your dentist can diagnose an infection during an oral examination. They will feel your gums, gently tap your teeth, and take x-rays to determine the extent of the infection and whether it has spread.

If your dentist feels the infection is harmful, or your body is not fighting it effectively, they may prescribe antibiotics. Your dentist will also want to treat the underlying cause of an oral infection to prevent it from reoccurring in the future. Causes may include tooth decay, periodontal, or gum disease, tooth cracks, and weakened fillings.

Do not ignore the signs of oral infection. Practice good oral hygiene on a daily basis, and have your mouth and teeth examined by a dentist.

Q: When should I bring my child in for a dental visit?

A: Most children should visit the dentist with a parent before the age of three. Simply bring your child to your scheduled hygiene appointment. Our team will take the opportunity to familiarize your little one with our Brampton, ON dental office and become friends. This fun approach to visiting the dentist helps kids feel confident and secure at their first checkup. We’ll allow your child to take a “ride” in the dental chair and watch us clean your teeth. Our Dentists are excellent with children. Our goal is to ensure a great start to a lifetime of positive dental experiences.

Q: What are the primary benefits of Invisalign?

A: Invisalign aligners are clear and removable, making them a seamless fit with your lifestyle and day-to-day interactions with others. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign treatment does not use metal brackets or wires that could cause irritation to your mouth. Also 3D computer imaging technology allows you to view your virtual results and personalized treatment plan before you start your treatment, so that you can preview how your teeth will look once your treatment is complete.

Will Invisalign Fit My Lifestyle?
  • Take your aligners out to eat or drink whenever you want.
  • You can remove your Invisalign aligners to brush and floss regularly so that you keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  • You can occasionally remove your aligners and enjoy a special night out.
  • There's no need to change a thing. Continue your day-to-day activities while still straightening your teeth.
  • Since they are clear, you don't have to hide your smile while going through treatment.
  • Most visits are in and out, with a quick progress check once every six weeks.